Se amplía plazo para enviar trabajos al 

MES 8 (31 de octubre de 2014)

(ver nota en español al pie del aviso)*

Call for Papers, Project Presentations, and Symposia

Papers, project presentations, and symposia are invited for submission. All submissions will be peer reviewed by two members of the MES community. In accordance with MES principles, reviewing will be open (not blind).  A critical evaluation of each submission will be provided following this review.
All submissions should meet the aims of the conference and have a clear underpinning social/political/cultural/ethical theme.

The deadline for submissions has now been extended to October 31, 2014.

The accepted papers, project presentations and symposia will be published on the MES8 website prior to the conference and in the printed proceedings that participants will receive upon arrival at the conference (unless you have indicated otherwise in advance). 

Experienced mentors from the MES community will provide support for early career writers and those for whom English is not their first language. Those who anticipate that they would welcome such support should submit as early as possible.

Please submit your contribution electronically in an e-mail to Brian Greer ( later than October 31, 2014. 

*Nota. Aquellas personas cuyo domimio del inglés no es suficiente para enviar un trabajo y exponerlo, el evento pudiera ayudarles para que sea superada tal dificultad escribiendo a Brian Greer (


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